Dinner and cocktail are almost ready (Schlossbergmartin)
The crew getting instructions for the voyage to the Andamans (Schlossbergmartin)
Spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) visiting our boat
Long-snouted spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris)
Elke enjoying her time on the steering wheel (Schlossbergmartin)
Bigi in charge (Schlossbergmartin)
Lot's of Porpita on the open ocean (Lenz Gunther)
Exhausted but happy after a drift dive at Invisible Bank
Looking at underwater pictures (Elke)
A musical evening on bord with Bernhard at the guitar (Schlossbergmartin)
Watch team Magen (Schlossbergmartin)
Watch team HNO (Schlossbergmartin)
Watch team Bier (Schlossbergmartin)
A swarm of juvenile fish swimming on the surface like a big orange ball (Schlossbergmartin)
Gunther (Schlossbergmartin)
Sonja filling out some of the approximatly 150 papers for the entry procedure in the Andamans (Schlossbergmartin)
Bernhard bearing a direction (Lenz Gunther)
Arriving in Port Blair and tidying up our Pakia tea
Girl trip to Havelock (Schlossbergmartin)
Visiting the beach of Havelock (Schlossbermartin)
Elephant footprints on Havelock (Schlossbergmartin)
Kayak tour (Schlossbergmartin)
Elke und Martin Selfie (Schlossbergmartin)
A beautiful sunset on Havelock (Schlossbermartin)
Our expert divers sorting their underwater pictures (Elke)
Tom climbing up the mast and taking a picture (Schlossbergmartin)
Long-snouted spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) visiting our boat (Schlossbergmartin)
Long-snouted spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) right under our feet (Schlossbergmartin)
Karoline and Bernhard (Schlossbergmartin)
Gunther helping with the vegetables with his new knife (Schlossbergmartin)
Looking for the leatherback turtle (North Brother Island)
Native fishermen hunting for fallow deer at North Cinque (Schlossbergmartin)
Exploring the shore of North Cinque
Elke's beach picture made of shells which we left on the beach (Schlossbergmartin)
An image of North Cinque Island
Image of North Cinque Island
Exploring North Cinque Island by Kayak
Surfing with the Kayak (South Cinque Island)
Pakia tea from the top of the hill on South Cinque
Anchoring at South Cinque
Lately on South Cinque (Schlossbergmartin)
Sunset on the beach with a Nautilus shell (Lutz Brigitte)
Periwinkles (Littorinidae) on South Cinque (Schlossbergmartin)
Keanu looking for coconuts (South Cinque Island)
The most beautiful beach of South Cinque
Keanu playing on his big private playground
Things on boats tend to break
Elke reading in front of Passage Island (Schlossbergmartin)
Another sunset South Cinque Island (Schlossbergmartin)
Martin helping with the sails
Gunther enjoying a good book
Bernhard and his Go Pro during the voyage from Thailand to the Andamans
Gunther and Martin exploring North Brother Island (Schlossbergmartin)
Taking a swimm (Schlossbergmartin)
The pool around Pakia tea (Schlossbergmartin)
The beach of South Brother Island
Karo and Bernhard observing hermit crabs (South Brother Island)
Hermit crabs looking for food (South Brother Island)
Plastic waste on South Brother Island - lonely beach means more trash
Keanu, Sonne and Pakia tea
The crew of Pakia tea on South Brother Island
The little mermaid Karoline (Schlossbergmartin)
Family trip (Schlossbergmartin)
Taking pictures on bord (Lutz Brigitte)
A well-deserved beer (Schlossbergmartin)
What a beautiful day (Schlossbergmartin)
Our Mac Gunther and Mac Tom (Lutz Brigitte)
Martin checking the area (Elke)